Got garden stuff all over the place? We totally get it. You want your garden looking good, not like a car boot sale. That's why we've created storage that works brilliantly - stuff that makes your outdoor space look properly smart while keeping everything tidy. Whether you've got a tiny patio or a massive garden, we've sorted just the right storage for you.
Our range of plastic storage boxes are brilliant for keeping garden life simple. None of that annoying assembly faff - they just click together, sorted. Getting them clean? Piece of cake. Quick wipe or spray with the hose and they're sparkling. Perfect when you want something that just gets the job done with zero hassle.
Need something properly tough? Our metal storage boxes are built like tanks. Rock-solid with proper strong locks - they'll keep your stuff safe and dry, even when the British weather's having a proper go at it. We're that sure about them, we give you an 8-year warranty. Pretty decent, right?
Want something that looks a bit posh? Our wooden storage makes your garden look absolutely spot on. We only use top-notch shiplap or tongue and groove wood - none of that cheap stuff here. Go for pressure-treated wood and it'll last ages longer. Costs a bit more up front, but it's worth every penny in the long run.
Those wheelie bins making your garden look rough? Take a peek at our collection of wooden wheelie bin stores. They keep those ugly bins tucked away nice and neat. Pick from wood, metal or plastic - whatever suits your garden best. Your neighbours will be asking where you got it from, guaranteed.
And here's a nice little bonus - we'll deliver free to most UK spots. No sneaky extra costs or hidden charges, just proper good storage that makes your garden life loads easier. Not quite sure what you need? Give us a bell - we know these products inside out and we love helping people get their gardens looking just right.