Installing a greenhouse can seem like a daunting task to some gardeners but it’s actually quite straightforward provided you have a nice level foundation and take your time!
At Greenhouse Stores we offer our Vitavia and Elite Aluminium Greenhouses with a home installation option when you buy your new greenhouse. Your new greenhouse will be delivered and installed by a qualified greenhouse installer leaving you to think about the plants you'll be putting in the greenhouse once he’s finished installing!
If you order one of our Swallow Wooden Greenhouses then the installation is included in the price. Swallow will deliver and erect your new wooden greenhouse and before you know it you’ll be using it without having to lift a finger. If you want a quote or advice on having your greenhouse installed Call us Today on 0800 098 8877.
Our wooden greenhouse fitters are the best in the business and you can be sure of the highest quality workmanship every time. Have a look at one of our installations here.
If you’ve decided to venture forth and erect your new greenhouse yourself here’s a list of the tools you will need with some useful tips:
Here’s how to use the corner posts that are supplied with our Vitavia or Elite greenhouses to fix your greenhouse to a soft surface like soil:
Assemble the base attaching the corner posts and place it in the desired location with the corner posts facing up for the time being, ensure the base is square. At each corner, using a narrow spade or trenching tool, dig a hole approximately 15cm wide x 15cm long x 40cm deep. Bend the split-end sections of the corner posts up to provide additional resistance when set in the concrete. Having dug a hole at each corner place the base down so each corner post sits in a hole. Ensure the base is square and level and then assemble the greenhouse frame and attach it to the base. Once again ensure the frame and base are square and level and then glaze the greenhouse. When the greenhouse is complete secure each corner post with concrete mix.
Our team of Greenhouse installers will ONLY install a greenhouse on a well-prepared hard base that is BOTH level and flat. Your base MUST be of concrete or slab construction
Greenhouse Stores only offer direct installation where a manufacturer offers it. This is because they use their own factory-trained installers. If you wish to get your greenhouse installed by a third party installer it is entirely at your own risk. For Shed Installation see Garden Shed Installation Midlands